
Accepted Student Recognition Day 4/6/24 箭头

研究生学费 Rates and 援助

埃尔迈拉大学's graduate tuition rates and payment plans make taking classes and getting a distinctive degree an affordable and valuable way to advance your career. In addition, if you pursue a degree, even part-time, you may be eligible for 金融援助 in the form of 贷款.

学费 & 费用成本
Course 学费 for MSED 项目 (每个信贷)$600*
Course 学费 for MS in General Management (每个信贷)$700
Audit 学费 for MSED Program Course (每个信贷)$300*
Audit 学费 for MS in General Management Course (每个信贷)$350

*请注意: Students enrolled in MSED program courses are responsible for an additional per-credit comprehensive fee of $35 that covers technology (including use of GoReact), 学术支持, and other student support services.

Directed/Independent Study Fee$50
Unofficial Transcript$7.50
Returned Check Fee$50
Replacement ID Card Fee$25
